Russ DeVeau: My blended approach to communications

I often talk with clients and potential clients about my blended approach to communications and public relations. This is a proactive program that combines traditional and social media strategies and tactics with a steady stream of fresh content to help people and organizations reach positioning and visibility goals.

Here’s a good example of the blended approach in action from Climate Savers Computing Initiative (CSCI), a global leader in sustainability and energy efficiency initiatives, and an organization I support on the messaging and visibility front.

Blogging, news, events, video and social media – they all play an important role in today’s proactive communications programs – and they all provide important tools for communicating key messages to communities and influencers.

I launched my blended approach to integrated communications in 2006. Since then I’ve analyzed and worked with hundreds of social tools, networking, sharing, and community sites to stay on top of the continuously evolving social media industry and to ensure I am always maximizing client community building, visibility and message placement opportunities.- Russ DeVeau

What’s your content strategy?

Do you have a Content Strategy?I’ve long been a big advocate of the “content is king” message as a means to educate client teams on best practices for leveraging traditional and social media as part of a comprehensive communications program.

So as we head through 2Q I’m updating content calendars to complement a variety of planned communications activities. In a communications environment where traditional and social media play important roles, no communications plan is complete without regular content discussions.

In fact, the majority of my recent client brainstorming sessions have focused 100% on content development and marketing opportunities.

Content development discussions are the new norm. – Russ DeVeau